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macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2008
Covid is not just a respiratory virus. And there’s actually no hint that it would mutate into a more mild variant, why would it anyway? That’s all wishful thinking.
Maybe he meant that our immune system and vaccines will get better at fighting it as time goes on and responses will be more in line with the flu. Are people still going to die? Yep, people die everyday from flu and common cold complications, but the worst of it should be behind us and time for life to get back to normal.


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2008
Don’t get me wrong, Covid won’t cause a Zombie apocalypse, but playing it down like you and lots of people here do doesn’t help either. Millions of people already died because of it, more than half of the world isn’t vaccinated. And right now we have no idea in which direction new variants will tend to.
...and playing it up like you do only causes fear and panic. We also don't know which direction swine flu, bird flu, even the common flue will tend to, but there is no "sky is falling" mentality around those.


macrumors 68000
Jul 25, 2017
First they said you have to be vaccinated, stop going to work and stay in your home. The vaccine guarantees you won't get the virus. Then they said well you can get it but can't spread it. Then they said well you can get it, spread it but probably won't die. Now you can be triple boosted, get it, spread it and become seriously ill yet they are still pushing that outdated, inadequate vaccine-but we should listen to everything they say-they know best.


macrumors 68000
Jul 25, 2017
This is how it always should have been from the beginning.

The current strain of covid is basically a cold for most people. Hospitals aren't being overwhelmed by it.
Well I wouldn't say cold-it kicked my butt hard for 3 weeks, high fever, severe weakness, same for others who got it. No cold has ever done that-but I agree with the sentiment and have never been for any mandates of any kind. Your body, your health, your choice.


macrumors 6502
Dec 13, 2021
Common colds don't kill hundreds of thousands of people.

It's nice that you're not selfish, self centered and are concerned about your fellow man and possibly getting them sick though.
And how concerned are you about your fellow man? Are you concerned enough to mask up? How much do you donate of your income to help the downtrodden? Do you donate a portion of your free time to charitable causes? Have you adopted a starving, abandoned child?

You want to avoid getting sick. That's on you, and only you. Wear your mask, or hide away in your home. But don't expect the rest of the world to bend to your whims or fears.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Free healthcare in the UK means that we haven’t thought about Covid for a very long time. UK gave 21 free at home tests per month to each person 1.5 years before the US gave 2 for everyone. I think the last restrictions here was lifted over a year ago. Sad to see the richest state in history in the richest country in history is still dealing with this…all over a lie that free healthcare will completely backup the healthcare system. We in Europe are not as brilliant as you all in the states and have figured it out. Is it perfect? No, but what you’re going through is in deep need of change.
What restrictions? What are you talking about?
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macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010


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macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Yup. I never even remotely took it seriously. I ended up having covid and would have never had a clue if not for my girlfriend feeling sick and getting tested. I only got tested for the week off from work.. lol.
Yeah, I fell for the official line for the first few months and even got the J&J shot but have moved on. COVID is over. The US should be a leader but is instead a laggard. There is no reason not to let Novac Djokovic play at the US Open. He’s a healthy 35-year old who just won Wimbledon.

Looking back, I regret buying all those masks and going along with the Amazon/Grubhub deliveries. I did try to make up for it going to “speakeasies” during 2021 when the mayor banned indoor dining and again in 2022 driving to Indiana to avoid mask and vaccine mandates.


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
What an enormous waste of money. No wonder everything is so expensive over there. In two years I've taken exactly one test, I was forced for a Dinosaur Jr. show. Never mind the fact that 100% of the vaccinated could have been carrying the active virus. Complete idiocracy.

😂 Answer the question without giving me the reason. Double negative is proof positive. 🙄
Yep. Gotta love it when people in the UK and EU complain about how Apple “gouges” them on Macs and iPhones compared to US prices. How do they think they get their “free” healthcare and college degrees?
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macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Maybe he meant that our immune system and vaccines will get better at fighting it as time goes on and responses will be more in line with the flu. Are people still going to die? Yep, people die everyday from flu and common cold complications, but the worst of it should be behind us and time for life to get back to normal.
Exactly. It isn’t March 2020 anymore. We should drop all testing and quarantine requirements immediately. It’s time to move on. Omicron is just something we need to live with, like the cold or flu.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
NY had an increase in infections during the Month of March and early April and we didn't reimpose mask mandates. What happened? Cases magically went down after a few weeks, sorta like a cinderblock being dropped into a lake. It's almost like the germ comes in waves despite a requirement that people wear a $0.99 mask on their face.

I don't feel sorry for Californians at all. You re-elected Newsome and keep electing folks like Pelosi... You have the highest gas prices of all US States, the worst air quality in the nation, the highest taxes, and you're the only state left that really has an issue with Covid-19. Enjoy your masks, wildfires, and $8.99 a gallon gas.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
Free healthcare in the UK means that we haven’t thought about Covid for a very long time. UK gave 21 free at home tests per month to each person 1.5 years before the US gave 2 for everyone. I think the last restrictions here was lifted over a year ago. Sad to see the richest state in history in the richest country in history is still dealing with this…all over a lie that free healthcare will completely backup the healthcare system. We in Europe are not as brilliant as you all in the states and have figured it out. Is it perfect? No, but what you’re going through is in deep need of change.
You don't have free healthcare in the UK. How do you think the services, R&D, and salaries in the profession are paid for? Magic? The money comes from the taxpayers, which is put into the government's budget. A true monopoly is cheaper than a socialist healthcare like the UK system... The problem in the U.S is government interference in competition and price controls that raise the cost for most people.

Covid costs for services at a hospital, vaccinations, and tests have always been covered by the government in the U.S.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
The question is how do you think it works?

Insurance? Oh, I know how it works. I pay literally zero dollars and other people pay for what I use. Just like universal healthcare, but with the added bonus of a profit motive so they run a scam on everyone, negotiate HIGHER prices for services, and drive prices up overall.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
Insurance? Oh, I know how it works. I pay literally zero dollars and other people pay for what I use. Just like universal healthcare, but with the added bonus of a profit motive so they run a scam on everyone, negotiate HIGHER prices for services, and drive prices up overall.
You pay zero dollars?

Do you have a job? Do you pay taxes? Then you pay for the healthcare system one way or another.

Negotiate higher prices? The prices for the uninsured are HIGHER than those with healthcare. Have you ever had health insurance and actually used it? The cash paying customer will pay $495 for a test when someone with health insurance will pay $320 before health insurance coverage even kicks in.

I agree that denied claims are definitely a scam, though. I've had my fair share of those this year, but I also have a $0 deductible for more serious issues.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008

A one-man authored paper, a condition named after the sole person doing the research, the only scientific article the man has ever written, that doesn't even pass any sniff test is your evidence? Brilliant.

I guess the decades of cancer patients wearing masks to protect themselves while immunosuppressed from chemo and radiation, surviving the treatments and the fact a common cold could have killed them were just lucky that moisture didn't kill them instead. I guess everyone that's ever undergone surgery in modern medical history is lucky to have survived after having their bodies opened up and only a mask preventing various airborne bacteria from entering their bloodstreams.

This guy cracked the case on his first shot, by studying 2 counties in Kansas.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
You pay zero dollars?

Do you have a job? Do you pay taxes? Then you pay for the healthcare system one way or another.

Negotiate higher prices? The prices for the uninsured are HIGHER than those with healthcare. Have you ever had health insurance and actually used it? The cash paying customer will pay $495 for a test when someone with health insurance will pay $320 before health insurance coverage even kicks in.

I agree that denied claims are definitely a scam, though. I've had my fair share of those this year, but I also have a $0 deductible for more serious issues.

Yes, I pay zero dollars. My employer pays for it, in full. Continue using your debit and credit cards, thank you.

And yes, insurance companies negotiate prices HIGHER than the cash rate. Higher. Not lower. The hospital and the insurance company are both looking to turn a profit here, and with one of those parties it's nigh impossible to do without prices being inflated. A cash paying customer will pay many orders of magnitude less than the invoiced amount of every service.

The big graphic they use... Colonoscopy, $1463 with Cigna, $2144 with Aetna...... $782 with no insurance at all.

The way to rectify it lies solely in removing the profit motive. No other avenue exists.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
First they said you have to be vaccinated, stop going to work and stay in your home. The vaccine guarantees you won't get the virus. Then they said well you can get it but can't spread it. Then they said well you can get it, spread it but probably won't die. Now you can be triple boosted, get it, spread it and become seriously ill yet they are still pushing that outdated, inadequate vaccine-but we should listen to everything they say-they know best.

They definitely never guaranteed you won't get the virus. That's why they had less than 100% efficacy. And if you haven't noticed, the Alpha and Delta strands were what the vaccine protected against, and have you heard about those in the past year? Or is it Omicron and it's sub-variants now? Hmmm... we'll also have a vaccine for that in mere months.


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2021
Yes, I pay zero dollars. My employer pays for it, in full. Continue using your debit and credit cards, thank you.

And yes, insurance companies negotiate prices HIGHER than the cash rate. Higher. Not lower. The hospital and the insurance company are both looking to turn a profit here, and with one of those parties it's nigh impossible to do without prices being inflated. A cash paying customer will pay many orders of magnitude less than the invoiced amount of every service.

The big graphic they use... Colonoscopy, $1463 with Cigna, $2144 with Aetna...... $782 with no insurance at all.

The way to rectify it lies solely in removing the profit motive. No other avenue exists.
I mean I completely agree that the insurance companies are corrupt, don't get me wrong.

So you pay taxes right? Then you're contributing to the Obamacare fund that goes towards state marketplace plan subsidies. Health insurance companies do not pay these, the government provides this incentive. So are you really paying $0? Not really. Does your employer reimburse you for healthcare costs not covered by insurance? I doubt it.

But to say healthcare costs are cheaper for those who pay cash is ludicrous. Your article is behind a paywall that I'm not paying for... I already pay for the Wall Street Journal. So why would a hospital charge a cash patient 33-66% less for the same procedure, when they can charge the same amount or higher than what insurance companies charge?


macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
A one-man authored paper, a condition named after the sole person doing the research, the only scientific article the man has ever written, that doesn't even pass any sniff test is your evidence? Brilliant.

I guess the decades of cancer patients wearing masks to protect themselves while immunosuppressed from chemo and radiation, surviving the treatments and the fact a common cold could have killed them were just lucky that moisture didn't kill them instead. I guess everyone that's ever undergone surgery in modern medical history is lucky to have survived after having their bodies opened up and only a mask preventing various airborne bacteria from entering their bloodstreams.

This guy cracked the case on his first shot, by studying 2 counties in Kansas.
Are you serious? Masks were to present other avenues of infection. Until 2019 the WHO said masks were useless against respiratory infections.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
If you post something, please make sure to post the complete concept:
“Foegen Effect Theory”
And a theory is not a proven fact. Check a dictionary and you will see.
High mortality rate in Kansas? Could it be that the people there worn the same mask every day, kept it in a plastic bag, and didn’t follow direction on how to use a mask?
If you look at it he instructions for a N95 Mask you will notice a warning that says that not using a mask properly could cause injury or death.
Read it again it is stated as “Foegen Effect” theory, but hey we can discuss till the cows come home on the many variables because in your theory where everyone wears masks properly, no fitting for an N95 needed here, I guess the medical team has been wasting time, money and resources to get staff fitted for years or maybe your acceptance is to pacifier your fear that no human is immortal. Keep up the fear I am sure aliens are coming too or probably here to annihilate human. 😝
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