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Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
Weird. I‘ve not worked for a U.S. company that didn’t send out an email - or have an explicit policy - warning employees about leaking confidential information about the company. Had no idea that was illegal. Huh…
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macrumors P6
Oct 23, 2010
Ironically, Apple would have more success under a GOP administration, though they tend to support Democrats.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 8, 2009
NRLB seems to be a less credible organization with every bs "ruling" they seem to claim against Apple. There is no evidence to what they claim Apple is referring to in the email.


macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2011
Not everything that is written in a contract is valid in court. It’s different if you leak materials, documents or photos, etc. but you can’t shut up workers without a NDA.

You're still wrong. Confidentiality, IP protection, non-competes etc.. are standard in nearly every employment and contractor agreement in tech. These are much broader than NDAs.

The concern here, it seems, is that an employer can not interfere with workers organizing for better compensation and benefits.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2008
Orange County, CA
If indeed his email was specifically addressing the information leaked about pay equity, work from home and vaccination policies…. Then yeah he did indeed commit a pretty big faux pas. I would agree with the NLRB on this one.

If it were instead about leaks of propriety information, product details etc. Then this sort of communication would not and should not be an NLRB issue.

It’s a bit odd since the way he wrote it he seemed to be speaking very broadly on the topic of leaks.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2008
Orange County, CA
Weird. I‘ve not worked for a U.S. company that didn’t send out an email - or have an explicit policy - warning employees about leaking confidential information about the company. Had no idea that was illegal. Huh…
Oh it’s not. This particular email was concerning leaks related to labor conditions. Like pay wages and vaccination policy. These things are not proprietary or intellectual property per se. And they are protected from being deemed as such by federal employment laws.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2008
Orange County, CA

There are always certain confidential information if your work for a technology company in the states that an employee is restricted from discussing. Something you agreed to when you are an employee.
Compensation, benefits and the like are not considered proprietary or confidential. Even if the culture of a company is to be discrete about them. In fact as a publicly traded company Apple is under specific obligation to be transparent about many things.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
I think I have figured out why I REALLY dislike Tim Cook.
It's because he is so two faced.

If someone is genuinely caring, a nurse perhaps, then that's great I can accept that.
If someone is genuinely nasty, then again whilst I don't like that, I can accept that's who they are.

It's when someone does things like Cook does "for the good of the company/shareholders" but against the workers/public/environment.
But then on camera just oozes sweet sickly caring to everyone and the planet, his tone of voice, his praying hands, his carefully scripted lies.

That's why I can't stand the guy.

I suppose I'm asking for honestly. I'd 100% prefer he stayed in the background doing what's right for the shareholders, and someone else who was actually honest be the public face of it all.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2008
Orange County, CA
Weird decision, the email seems fine as it is. Employees have an obligation of confidentiality in many companies, Apple is certainly not the exception. Probably that most high level Apple employees sign a NDA anyway. Now, that doesn't mean that Apple can do anything it wants to enforce this agreement, but I find it surprising that this email is considered a violation of US labor laws.
No one is paying attention apparently. Yes the email “seems” fine but it is about people disclosing changes in policy regarding wages and working conditions. These are NOT considered confidential and proprietary nor are they protected under any sort of confidentiality agreement. Such an agreement would be tossed out of court as burdensome or unfair towards the employee. They should be able to discuss what their working conditions are like and in fact they have rights to do so. It’s just a part of the law that allows people to share such details to ensure people are not so “enslaved” by their jobs.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 7, 2008
Orange County, CA
I think I have figured out why I REALLY dislike Tim Cook.
It's because he is so two faced.

If someone is genuinely caring, a nurse perhaps, then that's great I can accept that.
If someone is genuinely nasty, then again whilst I don't like that, I can accept that's who they are.

It's when someone does things like Cook does "for the good of the company/shareholders" but against the workers/public/environment.
But then on camera just oozes sweet sickly caring to everyone and the planet, his tone of voice, his praying hands, his carefully scripted lies.

That's why I can't stand the guy.

I suppose I'm asking for honestly. I'd 100% prefer he stayed in the background doing what's right for the shareholders, and someone else who was actually honest be the public face of it all.

Steve Jobs was no angel but he was also no snake. Very matter of fact and candid. Cook is just a weasel. LOL


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
I think I have figured out why I REALLY dislike Tim Cook.
It's because he is so two faced.

If someone is genuinely caring, a nurse perhaps, then that's great I can accept that.
If someone is genuinely nasty, then again whilst I don't like that, I can accept that's who they are.

It's when someone does things like Cook does "for the good of the company/shareholders" but against the workers/public/environment.
But then on camera just oozes sweet sickly caring to everyone and the planet, his tone of voice, his praying hands, his carefully scripted lies.

That's why I can't stand the guy.

I suppose I'm asking for honestly. I'd 100% prefer he stayed in the background doing what's right for the shareholders, and someone else who was actually honest be the public face of it all.

Gee, it's almost like he's a fully developed and complex human being who is, like most of us, a combination of seemingly contradictory traits that can't be shoehorned easily into an unrealistic caricature.

Scoob Redux

macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2020
Reading these's funny how many people jump to the defense of the powerful, anti-worker corporation. It's odd that people work against their own best interests. The elite will continue to subjugate and abuse the working class as they endeavor to concentrate more wealth at the top. Nothing new about that. But the working class helping them and cheering them on? Weird.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2014
Reading these's funny how many people jump to the defense of the powerful, anti-worker corporation. It's odd that people work against their own best interests. The elite will continue to subjugate and abuse the working class as they endeavor to concentrate more wealth at the top. Nothing new about that. But the working class helping them and cheering them on? Weird.
First of all, this “anti-worker” corporation (as all Top-tech Silicon Valley) pays elite wages you cannot see anywhere else in the world to these people, plus benefits, etc.
Then, I don’t defend corporations or workers based on which one is more powerful, but based on what is fair. If you’ve voluntarily signed an NDA in order to work at Apple and you break it, it’s your fault.
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