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macrumors 68000
May 30, 2011
It will 100% be a disaster. FSD is a beta software and even non-beta final software cannot be bug free or not suffer from latency issues. If FSD ever comes out of “beta” it should only be enabled on straight highways.

"FSD" or any other driver assist lowers the crash rate for drivers who shouldn't be driving in the 1st place.

Problem is more and more drivers fall into that category as more and more people think "FSD" and other driver assist mean they don't have keep their eyes on the road.


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
lol why not, he’s already shown the world that he’s a reckless idiot with no real understanding of anything he buys and slaps his name on. He might be a big enough idiot to finish bankrupting himself with a twiddurrr phone project. Go for it, Bozo.
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macrumors 68000
May 30, 2011
He fired a bunch of people who did absolutely nothing at Twitter. Makes me laugh that people think that’s not the correct response.

Maybe, but he also fired many of the people who actually ran Twitter (and made the rest of them think about leaving) and he than fired the people who pointed out that firing the 1st group might not have been a smart idea.

Twitter was always useless garbage, will always be useless garbage but it is for sure a lot of fun watching it from afar.
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macrumors member
Jan 15, 2008
Honolulu, HI
It’s probably gonna happen, but it’s also probably not gonna go anywhere fast, just like Teslas. There’s lots of TALK about Tesla but in reality it’s still a very small part of the market and many people buy a Tesla under the “halo effect” but quickly realize it’s overpriced for what it does deliver, and it’s not great quality to boot.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
That’s like saying one day Intel will have a better video card then AMD. Never going to happen. With his impulsiveness & low attention span, infinity is not even enough time.


macrumors 6502
Sep 30, 2007
Lomita, CA
I worked for SpaceX for 8 years. If it were not for Gwynne Shotwell, the many other senior leaders, and many others ensuring that the right things were being done, I do not believe SpaceX would have been so successful. Both Tesla and SpaceX have a whole culture of protecting Elon from himself that enables both businesses to do as well as they have. Twitter doesn't seem to have that and I have no doubt in my mind that he would not be as successful at a phone as his fans seem to think it would be. Though he's welcome to try, I will not be buying one. I think cars are easier than phones.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Maybe. His cars certainly had quality control issues but they improved. I have a model 3 and a Y both are great with no issues. Just like the iPhone, it had “Antennagate”, “Bendgate”…etc. Bendgate happened on Apple’s 6th version of the iPhone. That’s a long time into making phones to still have shoddily built products. But Apple turned it around, Tesla turned it around, maybe the Tesla Phone will have issues at first also but who’s to say they can’t improve in future iterations?
I can tell you from experience, no. they haven't. And the build quality isn't on the same planet as iPhone. But yeah, you keep those Tesla blinders on.


macrumors regular
Aug 5, 2022
He's done such a great job at Twitter, so I can how people are eager to see him take on yet another initiative :p

Given how he's fired everyone, and how poorly he treats his workers, I'm sure lots of engineers will be flocking to him 🤪
It’s still way too early to tell, so I’m not sure which biased source you’re grabbing your opinion from. Many there needed to be fired to end the attitude of stagnation. He’s shaking things up, taking risks, and executing a vision. Remember when Apple used to do that? They messed up all the time, but actual progress happened, not these lame, incremental updates. It wasn’t that people changed as much as Apple changed. Places that are pulling advertising out of some moral panic to be on the right/popular side of history are acting like children. They’re slowly realizing that no one gives a rabbit’s carrot’s ass about Mastodon either. You need centralization to execute a vision quickly and with accountability within. And you need a boss too who can sift through the whines and distractions. At the end of the day, it’s Elon’s livelihood on the line. I trust his judgment is at least somewhat based on the fear of failure.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Nov 23, 2014
I worked for SpaceX for 8 years. If it were not for Gwynne Shotwell, the many other senior leaders, and many others ensuring that the right things were being done, I do not believe SpaceX would have been so successful. Both Tesla and SpaceX have a whole culture of protecting Elon from himself that enables both businesses to do as well as they have. Twitter doesn't seem to have that and I have no doubt in my mind that he would not be as successful at a phone as his fans seem to think it would be. Though he's welcome to try, I will not be buying one. I think cars are easier than phones.
Whoah, that’s pretty cool 😯


Jun 25, 2009
He's done such a great job at Twitter, so I can how people are eager to see him take on yet another initiative :p

Given how he's fired everyone, and how poorly he treats his workers, I'm sure lots of engineers will be flocking to him 🤪

70% of the staff is gone, and Twitter is working the same, new user registrations at an all-time high, and according to the data, much less ‘hate speech’ than before he took over.

Its all going to hell!
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Jun 25, 2009
I’m sorry but is this post satire? Do you really think that this man is some warrior who’s out to save you from the tyranny of tech giants?

If you don’t think that’s true then you don’t understand Musk and his autism. It isn’t in him not to be genuine with his thoughts and actions. His personality / autism isn’t wired that way.

When Elon Musk says he spent $44 billion to ensure that Twitter remains an incorruptible, non-government influenced entity (at any time in society), then that is exactly why he spent $44 billion to purchase it.

You think he spent a huge chunk of his net worth for fun? Sold all those Tesla shares for kicks? You think he created the Boring company to reduce traffic, SpaceX for interplanetary existence, and Tesla for safer driving, for fun?

The man is one of the only CEO’s other than Bill Gates who is spending a large chunk of their own money and basically all of their free time working to improve the lives of others.

Mocking Elon Musk is one of the strangest things to me, it’s like mocking the potential success and betterment of your own species. Totally bizarre.
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macrumors member
Aug 3, 2022
Lots of weird comments about him being unable to run Twitter. This is nonsensical.

Musk has eviscerated the workforce. I believe more than 80% of staff. And Twitter not only still runs, but apparently technically is running better than before. All whilst being more active than ever before.

When the hysteria passes and the advertisers return Twitter’s going to be in a strong position.

You need to do yourselves a favour guys and just treat everything printed in media as a lie unless you can verify it from various other sources. This isn’t a political point - it’s just common sense given how often they’re wrong.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 9, 2019
70% of the staff is gone, and Twitter is working the same, new user registrations at an all-time high, and according to the data, much less ‘hate speech’ than before he took over.

Its all going to hell!
Actually, it’s much worse now. My son gets murder & execution videos his feed now. And that was after all the hate feeds that started piling up. He never once even searched any of this garbage & it all started when Twitter was recently sold.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
70% of the staff is gone, and Twitter is working the same, new user registrations at an all-time high, and according to the data, much less ‘hate speech’ than before he took over.

Its all going to hell!
Wonder what those new users are. Maybe all Trump followers. Who knows.
Also, those guys who actually run twitter and maintain servers etc etc are all gone. It’s only a matter of time for issue to pop up and Twitter server will breakdown.
Whether Twitter will reborn like Phoenix or just die out, I am more than happy to get my popcorn ready For this drama. RIP all of those japanese artists accounts tho.
As a european this comment section is quite the eyebrow raiser
I guess I understand how a certain orange President could happen now.

Some people seem to think if someone is rich that makes them a great person.
You never understand the other side of humanity unless someone opens the pandora box.
We are not just imperfect, we are both good and evil at the same time. Only the proper trigger is required to reveal the other side.
Rich being equivalent to success is not right, but that’s how quite a few parents teaching their kids.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
Musk has eviscerated the workforce. I believe more than 80% of staff. And Twitter not only still runs, but apparently technically is running better than before.
I unloaded all the passengers from my car and fired my mechanic. It still drives!

Will be fine until it needs a service.

Anyone who has talent and isn't tied to a working visa has left twitter for greener pastures most likely.
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