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macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
I happily run both Apple and Android phones daily. I don’t have bias. The videos about the Samsung battery problem are in reference to multiple models of Samsung phones by several well-known tech tubers. The pattern is certainly there, and worthy of further investigation. With other manufacturers, including Apple, it seems models with battery problems are not so commonplace.

I am not so concerned about 4+ year-old phones doing this, so long as people understand the possibility. I am quite worried by models like the Samsung Fold 2, which is not so old, showing the same issue.

I feel if Samsung gets a message out ahead of this, assuming they’re not too late already, all will be OK. They need to be honest about batteries in aging phones and offer replacement batteries for a very low price or free depending on the age of the phone. At the very least, on an older phone, they should be able to provide a discount on a new phone with trade should the battery expand.

As referenced in the video, the batteries do have a number on them, which shows how many years the battery supposed to be usable. Perhaps that could provide a basis for a cut off as to when they will allow no more compensation. Clearly, some of these batteries are not meeting the expected life dates.
Whilst I generally agree with your sentiments :)


The only pattern we are seeing is these youtubers are storing devices unused and not in accordance with OEM guidelines

As we have all noted or observed there is no mass reporting of battery swelling issues when phones are in daily use and even many devices with infrequent use

There are no mass recalls or Aviation authorities extra bans worldwide or insurance companies reporting unnatural trends in incidents etc etc

All we have is just inaccurate and bias reporting by a youtuber who has been negligent and concludes because he was likely consistently negligent his findings are still valid ......................... not

Despite also the fact that over 40% of his fellows also noted it was not limited to just 1 OEM seems to have missed him and many others :rolleyes:
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bc 08

macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2020
you continue to move the goal posts...evidence or proof everything to cloud the issue. You still have not provided any evidence and collaboration to substantiate your position.
All you have it one YT video. If this was an issue as you claim there would be others to come forward with collaborating evidence to support this. But you have nada...

then to show your turn a blind eye to all the supporting evidence and proof this happens to Apple.
Myself and others have posted as much evidence to show iPhone batteries and laptop have had batteries expand and explode. But you only seem to be concerned when it happens to Samsung. Some how your brand of choice gets a pass.

View attachment 2085046

So, Samsung admitted there is a problem.
Can you?



macrumors 603
May 27, 2012
So, Samsung admitted there is a problem.
Can you?
Lol, they only acknowledge of being aware not admission of a problem.

With all the noise surrounding this situation... it makes sense for Samsung to put out a statement in regards to investigating it.

bc 08

macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2020
Lol, they only acknowledge of being aware not admission of a problem.

With all the noise surrounding this situation... it makes sense for Samsung to put out a statement in regards to investigating it.

“We are aware of this matter and are looking into further technical assessments.”

That is not how a corporation denies a problem. Lol


macrumors 603
May 27, 2012
“We are aware of this matter and are looking into further technical assessments.”

That is not how a corporation denies a problem. Lol
I read the statement already.

Where in that statement does Samsung admits fault? Tbh, they did what I expected them to do…. recognize all the noise surrounding this matter and investigate.
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bc 08

macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2020
The matter in which content creators are storing several phones in storage and supposedly Samsung phones are the only ones that are swelling.

So the matter Samsung is aware of is that Samsung phones are showing a uniquely high percentage of battery failures in several phone collections that contain all of the popular smartphone brands and models and that it warrants further investigation?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2010
East Coast, USA
No $lam$ung mobile phones (and literally anything other than a few storage bits) for me... ever!!!

There are better, more open platform (and far less rope-a-dope privacy-invading stock apps under the cover) Android devices for sure.


macrumors 603
May 27, 2012
So the matter Samsung is aware of is that Samsung phones are showing a uniquely high percentage of battery failures in several phone collections that contain all of the popular smartphone brands and models and that it warrants further investigation?
However you wanna phrase it, but does that mean they are admitting fault?

If you actually watched that video of what @Zito Abroad posted… we don’t know if users who have several phones in storage are practicing to prevent battery swelling. Because I’m not sure if you are aware… any smartphone with a battery is capable of swelling. Hence, my mothers iPhone X and it wasn’t in storage.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
However you wanna phrase it, but does that mean they are admitting fault?

If you actually watched that video of what @Zito Abroad posted… we don’t know if users who have several phones in storage are practicing to prevent battery swelling. Because I’m not sure if you are aware… any smartphone with a battery is capable of swelling. Hence, my mothers iPhone X and it wasn’t in storage.

This is the crux of the issue :)

its indisputable by self admission that the youtuber (and others) have not followed recommended storage guidelines for their collections

It's actually more damming evidence of their capability and knowledge they blog to millions that they have so little understanding of products they review

Apple, Samsung and other OEM's all have guidance web pages on battery care and storage that these supposedly expert reviewers ignored. Then want to point the finger mainly in Samsung's direction and cover up their own short comings and lack of knowledge.

The right question is - are Samsung phones more susceptible to issues when stored incorrectly for long periods and it's essential to follow their guidelines

It's an extremely tenuous argument that Samsung have something to answer here as there is only observations of a few youtubers who have negligently stored their old devices.

Perhaps Samsung and others need to make it more transparent to the masses of it's long term storage of un used devices

There are many articles of storage of devices with batteries for the last 10 years or more and maybe public awareness is much lower than previously thought.

This has allowed a few Youtubers to exploit this low awareness for the sake of extra clicks based on findings with so little substance and largely based on self inflicted erroneous storage

The real common sense message is be mindful how you store any unused device with batteries


macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2019
What about all those users who were using their phones and the batteries expanded? Me being one with 3 Samsung phones. Many others out there.


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2022
I never had a phone with bulging. Am I lucky that I haven’t had the dirty bomb blow up in my pants?

Wait what?


macrumors 6502
Sep 25, 2022
What about all those users who were using their phones and the batteries expanded? Me being one with 3 Samsung phones. Many others out there.

It might be anecdotal, but I agree good or bad battery issues have been a Samsung thing. I don’t remember another manufacturer pulling an a tire phone release because of exploding batteries, but Samsung did…
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macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
So, Samsung admitted there is a problem.
Can you?

Lol dude I like you have a problem! How insecure someone must be about themselves and their brand choices,,,,,, that that have to go into sub sections of forum and put other brands down to feel good about themselves.

Then post a video and LIE and mis represent what the video says.
You really have a self esteem issue. You have unresolved insecurities.

That video just says Samsung is aware of the video the YouTuber made
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bc 08

macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2020
Lol dude I like you have a problem! How insecure someone must be about themselves and their brand choices,,,,,, that that have to go into sub sections of forum and put other brands down to feel good about themselves.

Then post a video and LIE and mis represent what the video says.
You really have a self esteem issue. You have unresolved insecurities.

That video just says Samsung is aware of the video the YouTuber made

You have no insight about me.
You have no insight about this issue.
You lack perspicacity.

Samsung says they are aware of the matter, not simply aware of a video.

Interestingly Samsung thinks this EVIDENCE warrants further investigation and doesn’t point to random, isolated examples of competitors products with battery failures as though it’s a valid excuse unlike their illogical message board apologists.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2015
Land of Smiles
It might be anecdotal, but I agree good or bad battery issues have been a Samsung thing. I don’t remember another manufacturer pulling an a tire phone release because of exploding batteries, but Samsung did…
Correct Samsung's battery issue relates to the Note 7 that was pulled very quickly because of safety issues


Apple has 3 infamous awards on batteries:

  1. The iPhone Battery slow down over 2 years (2014 - 2016) where Apple acted deceptively by hiding the shutdown and slowdown issues, according to the court filing. They were prosecuted by 30 states and have also been prosecuted internationally
  2. Apple has determined that, in a limited number of 13-inch MacBook Pro (non Touch Bar) units, a component may fail causing the built-in battery to expand. Affected units were manufactured between October 2016 and October 2017.
  3. Apple has determined that, in a limited number of older generation 15-inch MacBook Pro units, the battery may overheat and pose a fire safety risk. Affected units were sold primarily between September 2015 and February 2017

So in my books Apple have a far more chequered history on batteries and had to be prosecuted on 1, have 1 equally explosive and banned and one general issue

No bragging rights for any OEM's when it comes to these types of issues


macrumors 601
Apr 15, 2019
I haven't read the whole thread, however:
the issue of battery bulging happens mainly with battery that have a high capacity and are left unused for long periods, especially if they are left at very high or low voltage (= full or empty).
I have never sold any of my phones (I collect them, I have over 20) and almost none have had issues and I have a lot of Samsung ones.
My phones, contrary to reviewer's phones, were used. So battery were no longer near max capacity when they stopped being used and were stored.
Also they were stored at around 60% charge and turned on every few months to be charged (as batteries tend to discharge even when off).
A new phone that is stored after a few days of use and not used for months or years is almost guaranted to have battery issues, even more so if left plugged in (happened to me with an iPhone I left plugged in and on for months).


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
I only had one issue with a bulging battery ever. That was an older early 00’s 17” HP laptop. Tried to install Chromium OS on it a couple years ago, and noticed the battery was bulging and making cracking noise. Fortunately, batteries were easily user removable for models back then. I ejected the battery and just used it on AC power.

All older smartphone batteries I had an issue with were all user removable, and just dead batteries that were unable to hold a charge.

Never had a completely dead battery or bulging battery from any smartphone that had a sealed in battery.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
You have no insight about me.
You have no insight about this issue.
You lack perspicacity.

Samsung says they are aware of the matter, not simply aware of a video.

Interestingly Samsung thinks this EVIDENCE warrants further investigation and doesn’t point to random, isolated examples of competitors products with battery failures as though it’s a valid excuse unlike their illogical message board apologists.

No Samsung doesn’t think this is evidence. They are doing due diligence and looking into things. People like you with an agenda would complain if they did not. Then complain when they do…..

Dude everyone has insight about you….

Your narrow POV and obvious brand bias is insightful


macrumors 68020
Oct 25, 2008
Interestingly Samsung thinks this EVIDENCE warrants further investigation and doesn’t point to random, isolated examples of competitors products with battery failures as though it’s a valid excuse unlike their illogical message board apologists.
That's exactly the right response from a company.

Investigate to see if there is an issue rather than shifting blame by saying e.g "but our competitors also can have this problem!" After the Note7 I am sure Samsung is extra vigilant about battery issues as people still bring that up 6 years later.

The issue here is rather specific: Barely used phones stored. Maybe Samsung batteries are more prone to bulging if certain conditions are met. But these conditions are far off from what normal buyers do where by the time you store a phone it's likely to have been used significantly and usually that model is no longer even sold by the time it gets replaced and the old one put into a drawer.

It is possible that Samsung does find a problem and then does something about it, whether it's a battery replacement program, recycling program or redesigning the battery on current or future models.

It is also possible that no issue is found.

bc 08

macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2020
No Samsung doesn’t think this is evidence. They are doing due diligence and looking into things. People like you with an agenda would complain if they did not. Then complain when they do…..

Dude everyone has insight about you….

Your narrow POV and obvious brand bias is insightful

Samsung doesn’t think it’s evidence but thinks the non-evidence warrants further investigation? 😂

Are you mixing up evidence and proof again? Tsk, tsk, tsk

Everyone has insight about me?
Right back at you pal, my DM’s lit up over your behavior here.

This will be my last response to you for a while as this has become a waste of time.

I’ll wait a few months and see how it plays out then maybe I’ll respond to you again — although I’m fairly convinced at this point that even if Samsung comes out and directly says they had a battery quality issue in the past and commit to fix it in all future models that you’ll STILL lack both the intellectual honesty and self-awareness to admit there was in fact evidence of an issue and that you were wrong.
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macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Samsung doesn’t think it’s evidence but thinks the non-evidence warrants further investigation?

Are you mixing up evidence and proof again? Tsk, tsk, tsk

Everyone has insight about me?
Right back at you pal, my DM’s lit up over your behavior here.

This will be my last response to you for a while as this has become a waste of time.

I’ll wait a few months and see how it plays out then maybe I’ll respond to you again — although I’m fairly convinced at this point that even if Samsung comes out and directly says they had a battery quality issue in the past and commit to fix it in all future models that you’ll STILL lack both the intellectual honesty and self-awareness to admit there was in fact evidence of an issue and that you were wrong.
Like I said no matter what Samsung does here you would complain about their actions. You want so badly for Samsung to have some big issue with batteries. But so far nothing.

You agenda and narrow POV is plain here for everyone to see.

Oh and my DMs have been lit up as well. Very insightful.

So many others have replied here with great info but you ignore all the facts that are right in front of you.
We all know what your agenda is here.
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