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macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
What I’m experiencing is a lot of white haziness around my field of vision when watching a movie in the cinema environment, and when looking at bright white windows like a safari webpage. But even still a little haziness in other circumstances.
there is no light coming in from the sides, I’ve blocked out the sides to be sure, and no change. And it’s even worse in a totally dark room. So light leaking from outside isn’t the issue.

I’m using it in a warmly-lit, but well-lit, room in my home.

I guess I tried my friend’s device in a daytime setting, so maybe all that more natural white light counteracted this? I dunno. All I can say is that this can’t possibly be the intended experience, because this isn’t enjoyable. There’s a white haze all around…it’s terrible to look at.

Feeling very bummed if this is the expected exp

What I’m experiencing is a lot of white haziness around my field of vision when watching a movie in the cinema environment, and when looking at bright white windows like a safari webpage. But even still a little haziness in other circumstances.
there is no light coming in from the sides, I’ve blocked out the sides to be sure, and no change. And it’s even worse in a totally dark room. So light leaking from outside isn’t the issue.

I’m using it in a warmly-lit, but well-lit, room in my home.

I guess I tried my friend’s device in a daytime setting, so maybe all that more natural white light counteracted this? I dunno. All I can say is that this can’t possibly be the intended experience, because this isn’t enjoyable. There’s a white haze all around…it’s terrible to look at.

Feeling very bummed if this is the expected experience
Yes, white haze is exactly what I’m experiencing. I did not notice this in the demo, but on my units that I brought home it’s like this. Makes it unusable.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
Just another observation I am watching Ashoka final episode, and with the light saber battles the glare is moving all around because it’s the light sabers that are causing it.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 10, 2006
Glare is really bad. Tried during the day and at night in a dark room. It’s very distracting and most likely a deal breaker for me.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
Glad I'm not the only one - this pretty much eliminates the chances of my unit being defective. Have to decide if "watching movies outdoors" in Yosemite/Mt Hood day time immersion to avoid the glare issue is a good enough compromise for $3500.
I have a hard time believing the review units. Were this bad, so wondering if there is a defective batch? If it’s as bad as I’m seeing then it’s really unusable.
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macrumors member
Nov 20, 2010
Experiencing the glare as well when looking at anything colorful in a dark environment… kind of disappointing, might be a deal breaker for me.


macrumors 68030
May 22, 2014
Hope you get the glare issue resolved and they can figure out what is causing it. As a point of reference, I have not had any glare (so far). Used in bright, middle, and dark environments. All indoor so far.


macrumors 604
Sep 4, 2011
It’s DEFINITELY glare from screens inside. Btw when I was doing demo in Apple store, there was light filtering in through the sides of the fitted thing. Not through cracks but through it (it’s a mesh like matetial). when I pointed this out they said it was normal.

I’m noticing this as well - all I have to do is put my hand over the side of the light seal (without touching it) and it blocks the light from getting through the mesh.

Not a deal breaker for me but something I’m aware of


macrumors G3
Mar 29, 2008
I’m noticing this as well - all I have to do is put my hand over the side of the light seal (without touching it) and it blocks the light from getting through the mesh.

Not a deal breaker for me but something I’m aware of
The glare coming from the light inside is the deal breaker, not the glare from outside.
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macrumors newbie
May 29, 2022
The lens design requires much brighter light source (than fresnel lenses on other VR kit) - and some of the light will be bouncing off your eyeball, and between the layers of the lens. Changing the position of your eye vis-a-vis the lens may reduce this effect.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2015
This is absolutely an issue with the lens design and not the fit. I can confirm. The glare just became more and more obvious the more I used it.

Also, with how reviewers were talking about the high resolution, I was expecting much, much sharper. It's not bad, but when I take off the AVP and look at my MacBook Pro with its miniLED display, there's no question that my MBP is much sharper. As is my iPhone.

Passthrough is also a grainy mess in anything but the very brightest conditions.


macrumors newbie
Jan 19, 2024
I’m also having a glare issue. It’s mostly in the left lens. I have the haze around windows in certain circumstances but there is glare on the lens in a lot of situations. I thought it was from my prescription lenses but I tried it without and it was still there. Planning to inquire with Apple but guessing there is nothing that can be done


macrumors G3
Mar 29, 2008
I’m also having a glare issue. It’s mostly in the left lens. I have the haze around windows in certain circumstances but there is glare on the lens in a lot of situations. I thought it was from my prescription lenses but I tried it without and it was still there. Planning to inquire with Apple but guessing there is nothing that can be done
Don't bother, - it's an inherent flaw with the design.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
I also tried realigning the lenses in a dark environment and no luck (there is a setting that allows you to move the individual lenses horizontally). For me there’s a constant glare on the lower outer edges Which are not at noticeable in bright environments watching bright content but extremely noticeable in dark environments / content. Add to that random glare depending on content (light sabers!) and it’s like you’re watching through dirty/ hazy glasses.

another way to describe it is when you’re wearing sunglasses and with your back to the sun so the sunlight reflects off you inner lens.

i had lasik surgery about 10 years ago. others who have the issue - did you also have lasik?

this is a deal breaker. Otherwise - the experience was good, not great. What was especially frustrating was text input. The virtual keyboard was awful and I had to resort to voice input
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macrumors member
Jun 25, 2006
I’m having this issue and do not have lasik. At first I was getting some glare from an improper light seal fit with light coming in the sides, but got a better fit and am still seeing the glare when watching movies in the cinema theater. Total bummer

Jony Ive

macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2012
I also tried realigning the lenses in a dark environment and no luck (there is a setting that allows you to move the individual lenses horizontally). For me there’s a constant glare on the lower outer edges Which are not at noticeable in bright environments watching bright content but extremely noticeable in dark environments / content. Add to that random glare depending on content (light sabers!) and it’s like you’re watching through dirty/ hazy glasses.

another way to describe it is when you’re wearing sunglasses and with your back to the sun so the sunlight reflects off you inner lens.

i had lasik surgery about 10 years ago. others who have the issue - did you also have lasik?

this is a deal breaker. Otherwise - the experience was good, not great. What was especially frustrating was text input. The virtual keyboard was awful and I had to resort to voice input
It's just normal glare from pancake lenses.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2008
I’m struggling to figure out what you all mean by ‘glare’. On my TV I think of glare as reflections of things in front of the TV Into the TV picture (like lights). This sounds like something else. What is it?


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
I’m struggling to figure out what you all mean by ‘glare’. On my TV I think of glare as reflections of things in front of the TV Into the TV picture (like lights). This sounds like something else. What is it?
yes, it’s like seeing reflections on a tv (from a window, room lights, etc.

Do you ever wear sun glasses and get glare on the inside of the lens because the sun is behind you? or you can actually see the reflection of your eyeball? like that.

in my case, there’s a constant reflection of the lower outer edges of the lens Which is cloudy white haze but in the shape of the lens edges, and then various cloudy white haze throughout the screen depending on what content I’m watching.


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2023
The glare seems to be impacted by the fit for me, and repositioning it changes or illuminates the glare so I would say it has something to do with the light seal, if the light seal is impacting the fit
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