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macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
I'm not sure it will be iOS 8. They introduced iOS 7.1 on their homepage more prominently than they usually do for a .1 update. Once the Mac OS got to 7, the difference between .1 updates became more significant. I could see them having a iOS 7.5 announcement. I would have more respect for that, actually.

I want you to realize you are comparing System 7, an operating system that when first launched was on 68k Macs only, made from 1991-1997, to iOS 7, an ARM based mobile operating system from 2013-current. Apple's desktop OS strategy from 20 years and 4 CEOs ago is completely irrelevant to today.

This may make sense to you, for whom hand comfort is paramount. But there are those of us who would would gladly give up hand comfort for a larger screen. If Apple doesn't begin to compete with samsung with a phablet, I fear a repeat of the windows 95 debacle when an inferior product was deemed "good enough" by consumers and Apple suffered greatly (see the early 90s). It is already worrying that on tv shows and movies that mobiles phones other than those of Apple are being featured. This type of word of mouth advertising has been Apple's bread and butter and they have squandered this due to their inability/unwillingness to come out with a phablet.

How are you going to hold the phone up to your face for any length of time of its uncomfortable to hold? And don't say "plug in a pair of headphones" because nobody always has their headphones on hand to take an important phone call.

I would also like to point out that at least half the time, when TV Shows and movies show phones, any phones, Apple, Samsung, Nokia, doesn't matter. They cover up the logo. Now, there are some exceptions. One that comes to mind is the show "Scandal" where Microsoft pays to have their products displayed. Apple doesn't need this kind of advertising IMO, as the people who are influenced by what phone a celebrity or TV show character uses is not a person who I would want for a customer.

I would also like to point out to everyone, its an iPhone not an iPhablet, iPhone. Now if its uncomfortable to hold a phone to my face for any length of time, it fails as a phone. And at 5.5", you might as well get an iPad mini and put Talkatone on it and call it a day.


macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2012
As I mentioned earlier in another thread, there is the possibility that the iPhone 6 will launch in summer with iOS 7.2 and later in the fall the iWatch launches with iOS 8.
I would appreciate this variant but I doubt it.
Anyway we will see iOS 8 this year.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
And control center. iOS 7
And the notification center. iOS 5
And the weather app. iPhone OS 1.0
And the lock screen. iPhone OS 1.0
And the app switcher. iOS 4
And the camera. iPhone OS 1.0

Only one of those things is actually new, redesigns don't count as that was already covered in the post you quoted. :rolleyes:

I never said that those things were new. I was listing features that had significant UI changes in iOS 7 in direct response to the post that I quoted. (Not just a new skin.)

While it did receive some new API support (e.g., separate focus regions), it's still waaaaaaay inferior to that of Android / Windows Phone. Heck, even the now-dead Symbian and Bada offered far more manual controls than iOS...

That's your opinion, but it doesn't really relate to my point.


macrumors 65816
Aug 30, 2013
If I could choose to sticky anything, I would vote for your post. So right after it all happens we can refer to it and be like "Damn, he was right!"

Probably a few refinements to the post such as "Apple is doomed or iOS 8 sucks and iOS 6 was better" and "It's a beta" and that should cover all the bases :p

That will be the one.

Oh how I despise the iOS 6 was better >.> prople forgetfar too quickly that it was a the 6th generation of that design and it really sucked when first released way more than iOS 7 did.

But people think it's cool to hate on Apple, especially the OS.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
I never said that those things were new. I was listing features that had significant UI changes in iOS 7 in direct response to the post that I quoted. (Not just a new skin.)

In which way did the stock Camera app receive significantly new functionality, apart from getting a new UI? Did it got for example exposure compensation / video resolution / scene mode / ISO / shutter speed / timing etc. controls? FYI, all of them (except for shutter speed / timing) are readily available in stock Android / WP / Bada / Symbian and even more available in Nokia's Pro Camera available for all WP8 Nokias. And have always been, ever since the beginning - for example, during the 2.x Android times.

That's your opinion, but it doesn't really relate to my point.

It does. You stated Camera is one of the areas with significant changes in iOS7. This is why I stated it only received insignificant ones and continues severely lagging behind the competition WRT manual settings and the type of shooting it's adequate for. Heck, one can't even force the camera (not even via a third-party app!) in any way to increase shutter speed to shoot for example sports... Ridiculous.


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
In which way did the stock Camera app receive significantly new functionality, apart from getting a new UI? Did it got for example exposure compensation / video resolution / scene mode / ISO / shutter speed / timing etc. controls?

It does. You stated Camera is one of the areas with significant changes in iOS7. This is why I stated it only received insignificant ones and continues severely lagging behind the competition WRT manual settings and the type of shooting it's adequate for. Heck, one can't even force the camera (not even via a third-party app!) in any way to increase shutter speed to shoot for example sports... Ridiculous.

No, I said nothing about new functionality. Again, I said it received significant UI changes. The example in the post that I was responding to was swipe to close in Safari.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
No, I said nothing about new functionality. Again, I said it received significant UI changes. The example in the post that I was responding to was swipe to close in Safari.

OK, sorry, I indeed misread your previous discussion - you're right WRT new UI in the Camera app. The stock Camera app indeed received a completely new UI.

(Too bad it - along with the camera API - received little new functionality in iOS7 - which has nothing to do with the UI changes. This was what I've talked about.)


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
OK, sorry, I indeed misread your previous discussion - you're right WRT new UI in the Camera app. The stock Camera app indeed received a completely new UI.


(Too bad it - along with the camera API - received little new functionality in iOS7 - which has nothing to do with the UI changes. This was what I've talked about.)

It actually did receive significant new functionality, however it was limited to the iPhone 5S. (Slow mo, Burst mode, video zoom, etc.)


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
It actually did receive significant new functionality, however it was limited to the iPhone 5S. (Slow mo, Burst mode, video zoom, etc.)

Burst mode and (used by Nokia since the 808 PureView, that is, early 2012) lossless video zoom are indeed iOS7 additions, also available for all the iPhones (even the 4) and also for the 5 / 5c, respectively. (IIRC, the 4/4S doesn't support lossless video zoom. All support burst; of course, with pre-5s models, at severely limited speeds. For example, the iPhone4 is only capable of one fps - my iPhone4-specific benchmarks are at )


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
Burst mode and (used by Nokia since the 808 PureView, that is, early 2012) lossless video zoom are indeed iOS7 additions, also available for all the iPhones (even the 4) and also for the 5 / 5c, respectively. (IIRC, the 4/4S doesn't support lossless video zoom. All support burst; of course, with pre-5s models, at severely limited speeds. For example, the iPhone4 is only capable of one fps - my iPhone4-specific benchmarks are at )

Thanks for the additional info. I remembered that certain features of burst mode were only available on the 5S, but I wasn't sure if a limited version of burst mode existed before iOS 7.


macrumors 603
Jun 7, 2011
Thanks for the additional info. I remembered that certain features of burst mode were only available on the 5S, but I wasn't sure if a limited version of burst mode existed before iOS 7.

Under iOS versions prior to iOS7, pressing the shutter icon continuously didn't result in burst shooting, but NOT shooting until you released your finger to help people wanting to minimize camera shake and/or more precisely time their shots. This meant that, should you wanted to shoot as many shots as possible, you had to wildly tap the shutter icon (or any of the volume keys).

As this didn't really allow for as fast burst shooting as possible, particularly not with the 10 fps-capable 5s, Apple decided to change the default behavior.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
That will be the one.

Oh how I despise the iOS 6 was better >.> prople forgetfar too quickly that it was a the 6th generation of that design and it really sucked when first released way more than iOS 7 did.

But people think it's cool to hate on Apple, especially the OS.
While generally true Apple also had 6+ years of mobile OS experience (plus the much more mobile OS industry around them to draw on) when they worked on and released iOS 7, while they had essentially none (and a much smaller and worse mobile OS industry around them) when they had the first one or a few versions originally. So it's still not a good comparison that way either.


macrumors 68040
Dec 16, 2011
I want you to realize you are comparing System 7, an operating system that when first launched was on 68k Macs only, made from 1991-1997, to iOS 7, an ARM based mobile operating system from 2013-current. Apple's desktop OS strategy from 20 years and 4 CEOs ago is completely irrelevant to today.

Just because something is old doesn't mean it can't still apply.

You don't work for Apple, you aren't in charge of the iOS team. You don't know. The person who posted the message was on to something. Apple was actually advertising iOS 7.1 which they haven't done since like, iOS 2.1 or so. Apple could easily follow how they did with Classic Mac OS and do iOS 7.5, iOS 8, 8.5, then 9, and then iOS X if they wanted to, and it's still pretty plausible.


macrumors 68040
Jun 12, 2011
Just because something is old doesn't mean it can't still apply.

You don't work for Apple, you aren't in charge of the iOS team. You don't know. The person who posted the message was on to something. Apple was actually advertising iOS 7.1 which they haven't done since like, iOS 2.1 or so. Apple could easily follow how they did with Classic Mac OS and do iOS 7.5, iOS 8, 8.5, then 9, and then iOS X if they wanted to, and it's still pretty plausible.

With the advertising, yes, they were on to something. But the System 7 strategy is irrelevant to today. You also said the last time they showed off a .1 update with iOS was with iPhone OS 2.1, but we still saw iPhone OS 3.0 that June.

And, no I don't work for Apple nor am I in charge or the iOS team, but I doubt you are either. I also seriously doubt anyone here works Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 18, 2013
Here is a timeline:

- Apple announces iOS 8
- People complain
- Graphic designers with no jobs or names proclaim how they could have done better.
- Beta comes out
- Threads with "how do I register a UDID" start popping up everywhere
- Non-developers that frequent these forums install iOS 8.
- Complaints about battery life
- Complaints about how Apple doesn't know what they're doing
- Beta 2 comes out
- Repeat above
- Beta 3 comes out
- repeat above.

iOS 8 goes Gold
- The masses accept it
- The people here who don't have much going on in their lives begin to look for bugs in workflows that no one would ever use.

I'm ready!

100% agree


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Apple is the only tech company ever to achieve 80% adoption of a widely hated OS "upgrade".
Its the only one that offers upgrades on vast majority of its phones, sometimes even ones that shouldn't really get an upgrade (since it's the only one manifacturing them essentially and has that in its deals with carriers).


macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Dont expect any great new and bold features in IOS 8 and you won't be disappointed. Remember Ios7 was a complete new revamp so it's likely iOS 8 will likely just be a polishing with a couple new features

Sky Blue

Original poster
Jan 8, 2005
Dont expect any great new and bold features in IOS 8 and you won't be disappointed. Remember Ios7 was a complete new revamp so it's likely iOS 8 will likely just be a polishing with a couple new features

I don't think anybody is expecting a whole new look. Rumors we've had:

- Healthbook
- Transit in Maps
- Preview + Text Edit
- Tips app
- iTunes Radio getting a new icon

I'm sure there'll be a couple of other things and some other refinements.


macrumors 68000
Apr 18, 2010
I can't think of any feature I'd want except for multitasking.

A Zephyr implementation would be great, or something like Vertex. Basically merge Control Centre and multitasking views.

That and new way to multi-task, maybe a split view or something.

Other than that, maybe a file browser? Really can't think of anything I'd need.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
Apple is the only tech company ever to achieve 80% adoption of a widely hated OS "upgrade".
What's your point?

How many of those who upgraded to 7.x did so because of the SSL bug in 6.x and weren't allowed to upgrade to the fixed version of 6?

How many of those who upgraded to 7.x did so because they wanted to reclaim nearly 2GB of storage taken up by the 7.x installer?

How many of those who upgraded to 7.x would go back to 6.x if Apple gave them a choice?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2013
Now that Apples most important product is iPhone targeted at the mainstream consumer, it's going to be the same basic iOS of years gone by.

Most consumers don't know and don't care what an OS is, therefore a company as smart as Apple knows not to make big changes. It's about keeping it easy and familiar. The less change the better. With sales doing very well Apple is wise to avoid risk.

Besides for those who want more efficiency, functionality, and the ability to customize to their liking, we have Android. Version 4.0.x and higher, a quantum improvement it's very fast, smooth, stable and fun. Google's ecosystem has never been better and it's growing rapidly.

2014 is a great year for smartphones.
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