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macrumors 601
May 14, 2008
"You can take advantage of our no-commitment pricing option, with the exception of iPhone which requires a 2-year commitment.This line may be eligible for an equipment discount on 07/27/2008"

Does this mean I can get the iPhone at the subsidized price on Friday?

NO, it means that you're not elgible for subsidizing pricing until 7/28/2008 but you can purchase the iPhone for $399/$499 respectively.


macrumors 601
May 14, 2008
I planned on utlilizing the loophole today. I got my friends IMEI number and was going to call into AT&T to have them activate the iPhone on my acct.

I was thinking I might be able to get around them actually knowing if I'm using the iPhone if I just don't use any phone at all in the next 24 hours.. i.e. take my SIM card out of current phone.

Anybody who tried to use this iPhone data plan loophole have any updates on their eligibility?

This LOOPHOLE has created huge problems and caused some of us legitimate customers not to be elgible any longer :mad:


macrumors member
Jun 4, 2008
Long Island, NY
I sold my iPhone in June and have been using a regular phone while I waited for 3G. I was due for reduced price equipment back in January 2008 but never got it becuase I bought the iPhone instead. Last week I was upgrade eligible (I printed the page) and now it says I am not- I can upgrade in Septemember of 2009 with all of the other phones one my family plan.

My question is this: I haven't got a subsidized phone for over 2 years- just becuase I sold my iPhone I can't get the subsidized price? If I never got the iPhone i would have been eligible.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2007

Mine says this now. What does it Mean? All last week it said i was eligible.

We’re sorry but we are unable to process your request at this time. Please contact our Customer Services department at 1-800-331-0500 or visit your local AT&T retail store for assistance. Message Number P1238

Damon Hill

macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2008
OK. Here's the deal. I purchased a used iPhone 3 weeks ago from ebay, activated it and my account went from "not eligible for upgrade" to "upgrade eligible".

And like everyone else, my account now shows that I am NOT eligible.


I called customer service and explained that I was looking to get the new iPhone and I was checking my availability for upgrade. I mentioned to the CSR, a nice lady named Heather, that when I looked online it says it wasn't eligible for upgrade to the 3G and I was just trying to find out the process. I did not make a big deal or get upset about my previous status to upgrade going away.

Heather had me hold while she checked and then stated that I was in fact NOT eligible. I then, in a calm, nice, but inquisitive manner, asked her what the process was since I had heard and read that all current iPhone owners were automatically eligible. She told me to hang on a second while she got out the upgrade policy document and after a minute came back and said "You're right, according to the policy you are eligible. Since you are a current owner and obviously purchased the iPhone prior to the 11th, you can go right in and get the new 3G one for the $199 price".

I then, calmly and nicely, explained to Heather that I was worried about standing in line and waiting for hours to finally get to the register and be told I have to pay $399. I asked if there was some way should could notate in my account that I was eligible. She said yes and promptly notated on my account that I would be eligible for upgrade. :D


LESSON LEARNED: If you call CS, BE NICE & CALM. Use the CSR's name when you talk to them. Shoot the breeze if you have to. Dont get ticky with them and they will probably be nice with you. If you call up all ticked off and rude, they probably wont be too inclined to help you.


macrumors regular
Apr 24, 2008
mine changed as well from being eligible to NOT!:(
it also says that "with the exception of the iphone"
does that mean we can still by the iphone at 199?
You can take advantage of our no-commitment pricing option, with the exception of iPhone which requires a 2-year commitment.This line may be eligible for an equipment discount on 05/07/2009


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2007
I just got off the phone with att customer service. The lady told me the online upgrade status' are not accurate at the current moment. She assured me I would be fine.


macrumors 601
May 14, 2008
OK. Here's the deal. I purchased a used iPhone 3 weeks ago from ebay, activated it and my account went from "not eligible for upgrade" to "upgrade eligible".

And like everyone else, my account now shows that I am NOT eligible.


I called customer service and explained that I was looking to get the new iPhone and I was checking my availability for upgrade. I mentioned to the CSR, a nice lady named Heather, that when I looked online it says it wasn't eligible for upgrade to the 3G and I was just trying to find out the process. I did not make a big deal or get upset about my previous status to upgrade going away.

Heather had me hold while she checked and then stated that I was in fact NOT eligible. I then, in a calm, nice, but inquisitive manner, asked her what the process was since I had heard and read that all current iPhone owners were automatically eligible. She told me to hang on a second while she got out the upgrade policy document and after a minute came back and said "You're right, according to the policy you are eligible. Since you are a current owner and obviously purchased the iPhone prior to the 11th, you can go right in and get the new 3G one for the $199 price".

I then, calmly and nicely, explained to Heather that I was worried about standing in line and waiting for hours to finally get to the register and be told I have to pay $399. I asked if there was some way should could notate in my account that I was eligible. She said yes and promptly notated on my account that I would be eligible for upgrade. :D


LESSON LEARNED: If you call CS, BE NICE & CALM. Use the CSR's name when you talk to them. Shoot the breeze if you have to. Dont get ticky with them and they will probably be nice with you. If you call up all ticked off and rude, they probably wont be too inclined to help you.

That's cool and all, but try explaining that to a store rep who is not required nor inclined to check account notes. It's a messed up situation for all of us who are actually iPhone customers. I'm hoping that the rep @ the store will see this and charge me accordingly.

I just got off the phone with att customer service. The lady told me the online upgrade status' are not accurate at the current moment. She assured me I would be fine.

It's funny you say that because when I called the 1st thing the rep told me was NOT to go by what was online and that struck me as odd.


macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2007
the nexus of the universe
LESSON LEARNED: If you call CS, BE NICE & CALM. Use the CSR's name when you talk to them. Shoot the breeze if you have to. Dont get ticky with them and they will probably be nice with you. If you call up all ticked off and rude, they probably wont be too inclined to help you.

so you know; you got lucky. i was extremely calm with the person i spoke with and was extremely polite, that did not matter at all. at&t has gotten wise to this loophole. what helped me is that the person i spoke to was also calm and polite, even though she made it extremely clear that at&t was willing to "take whatever action" was required to prevent people from "faking" iPhone ownership. she expressly stated to me that she will mark my account as having been "corrected" so that i will not have an issue with at&t claims division.

lesson learned: be patient, do not mess with at&t.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2007
I am eligible correct?

This line is eligible for equipment discount pricing when you sign up for a 2-year service agreement. You can take advantage of our no-commitment pricing option, with the exception of iPhone which requires a 2-year commitment."
Thanks bought mine on first day.


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2008
Word of advice: Bring with you to ATT an ACTIVATED iPhone with your mobile phone number attached to it. This is what the CSR told me to make sure you'll be fine tomorrow. If not, its pure speculation as to what you're upgrade eligiblity will be tomorrow for launch.


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2008
Oh, and in addition, if you call Customer Service and speak with a CSR and they check your upgrade status internally on their end and they indeed say that you're upgrade eligible, have them annotate your account that "you're eligible for the subsidy pricing" and have them email you that status. Print all support documentation, including these emails, and bring all to the store with you tomorrow. Corporate stores HAVE to honor it is what I was told.


macrumors member
Jun 9, 2008
Oh, and dig up your old receipt from v1 iPhone with the date before July 11th and bring it with you also. Have an arsenal of supported documentation and they CANT deny you the subsidy pricing.


macrumors 6502
Jul 26, 2006
Mine changed to not elligible as well... I had all my account info printed just 2 days ago, and it shows me as upgrade elligible, and now it says I have to wait until Feb. 2010!!


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2008
My status also change, just yesterday I was eligible and today I'm not! :( I called AT&T and the CSR told me since I still have the iPhone plan and am currently using it, I'm still eligible for the discount price (even though it says I'm not online), she document it on my account and recommended me to go to AT&T to get the iPhone 3G. (originally planned on going to the Apple store).

I'm going to stop by my local AT&T store to confirm with them if I'm eligible.



macrumors member
Jul 8, 2008
Orlando, FL
Mine too had changed saying I wasnt available for an upgrade until Oct of next year. I called and the CSR told me that since I was still under contract and had not had my phone a year I would have to pay the $399 pricing. She tried to explain to me its just like any other phone that you have to pay the going price for it if you wanted to upgrade early. I explained to her the link on the AT&T page stating if you've purchased the phone before July 11th that you would be eligible for the subsidized pricing.

She explained again that I was still not eligible for that so I asked to speak with a supervisor. Once he got on the phone he looked at my account and noticed I have had an iphone showing on my account before tomorrows date and assured me that I would be fine in the discounted pricing. He also made a note on my account.

Its kind of shocking how some of the employees still have no idea about the whole process yet others know right away. Im guessing quite a few current iPhone customers are speaking with supervisors. Im sure an internal memo went out to these CSR's to let them know of the procedure about the 3g iPhone yet they're not paying attention to it.


macrumors member
Jun 17, 2008
OK. Here's the deal. I purchased a used iPhone 3 weeks ago from ebay, activated it and my account went from "not eligible for upgrade" to "upgrade eligible".

And like everyone else, my account now shows that I am NOT eligible.


I called customer service and explained that I was looking to get the new iPhone and I was checking my availability for upgrade. I mentioned to the CSR, a nice lady named Heather, that when I looked online it says it wasn't eligible for upgrade to the 3G and I was just trying to find out the process. I did not make a big deal or get upset about my previous status to upgrade going away.

Heather had me hold while she checked and then stated that I was in fact NOT eligible. I then, in a calm, nice, but inquisitive manner, asked her what the process was since I had heard and read that all current iPhone owners were automatically eligible. She told me to hang on a second while she got out the upgrade policy document and after a minute came back and said "You're right, according to the policy you are eligible. Since you are a current owner and obviously purchased the iPhone prior to the 11th, you can go right in and get the new 3G one for the $199 price".

I then, calmly and nicely, explained to Heather that I was worried about standing in line and waiting for hours to finally get to the register and be told I have to pay $399. I asked if there was some way should could notate in my account that I was eligible. She said yes and promptly notated on my account that I would be eligible for upgrade. :D


LESSON LEARNED: If you call CS, BE NICE & CALM. Use the CSR's name when you talk to them. Shoot the breeze if you have to. Dont get ticky with them and they will probably be nice with you. If you call up all ticked off and rude, they probably wont be too inclined to help you.

Well, im gonna go ahead and tell you right now that just because the CSR said something is going to happen, dont take that as fact.They really dont have a clue. I have been told since July 1st(and had my account notated ) that i was ok'd for an exception upgrade and that it would in fact be possible to get the new iphone for said price. Now, today...hours before launch im being told that that promise was in fact not correct. Basically take what the CSR says with a grain of salt.


macrumors member
Jul 10, 2008
I wasn't eligible for the 199 price so I bought my friends iPhone two days ago because he was going to be getting the 3g version and activated it yesterday.

I checked my account after activating to make sure everything went through and I saw I was now eligible to upgrade. After seeing that I thought well I'll just buy the new one then and put the old iPhone away for safe keeping to sell after tomorrow. I put my SIM back in my old phone and when I checked today I saw I had been switched back to not being eligible.

I called up AT&T and spoke with a very nice rep. She looked over my account and saw that I had activated the iPhone and it was showing on my account but my contract had not been extended 2 years from activation. I explained the situation and she understood where I was coming from and said it shouldn't be a problem tomorrow since I have the iPhone plan on my account.

I put my SIM back into the iPhone and I guess I'll use it today and hope the account changes back. If it doesn't I still think I'll buy the dang thing because now I'm all hyped for it! lol

I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow...


macrumors 601
May 14, 2008
I have a feeling that this is going to create some problems @ the AT&T store tomorrow because as stated before it was documented that ALL CURRENT IPHONE SUBSCRIBERS ARE ELGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY ON THE IPHONE 3G. I may just print this out and take this to the AT&T store in case they decide to switch it up as well.


macrumors member
Oct 21, 2003
I have a feeling that this is going to create some problems @ the AT&T store tomorrow because as stated before it was documented that ALL CURRENT IPHONE SUBSCRIBERS ARE ELGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY ON THE IPHONE 3G. I may just print this out and take this to the AT&T store in case they decide to switch it up as well.

Can anybody point me to confirmation of this. I know we all read it before, but I can't find it on ATT's site anymore. The iready document doesn't confirm this either.


macrumors member
Jun 4, 2008
Long Island, NY
I have a feeling that this is going to create some problems @ the AT&T store tomorrow because as stated before it was documented that ALL CURRENT IPHONE SUBSCRIBERS ARE ELGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY ON THE IPHONE 3G. I may just print this out and take this to the AT&T store in case they decide to switch it up as well.

Can you send me the link with this quote. I would like to bring that in as well!!



macrumors regular
Jul 2, 2008
I just talked CSR and I had to show her the iReady videos and I had to make direct quotes from Steve Jobs, iReady videos, and the CEO of AT&T, but in the end she fixed it and then she started to ask me about the iPhone 3G. She asked me so what's great about it. She said they are getting a large about of calls about this too. (Lol.)
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