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macrumors 601
Mar 22, 2011
Biggest new features in iOS8 will probably be Carplay and Healthbook. Don't expect any other major changes and you won't be disappointed


macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2012
Biggest new features in iOS8 will probably be Carplay and Healthbook. Don't expect any other major changes and you won't be disappointed

Not Carplay. If this screenshot really is iOS 8 running on an iPhone 6, the Carplay App is just for testing purpose or to simulate a connection to a car display.
I think the biggest new feature will be Healthbook, much improved Maps App and overall system speed.
I'm pretty sure we could also say that Healthbook will be the only real big new feature.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 3, 2009
Boston, MA
Here is a timeline:

- Apple announces iOS 8
- People complain
- Graphic designers with no jobs or names proclaim how they could have done better.
- Beta comes out
- Threads with "how do I register a UDID" start popping up everywhere
- Non-developers that frequent these forums install iOS 8.
- Complaints about battery life
- Complaints about how Apple doesn't know what they're doing
- Beta 2 comes out
- Repeat above
- Beta 3 comes out
- repeat above.

iOS 8 goes Gold
- The masses accept it
- The people here who don't have much going on in their lives begin to look for bugs in workflows that no one would ever use.

I'm ready!

Spot on!


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2014
United States

I have to wonder though... if Apple is releasing ios 8 with a healthbook app than wouldn't this give hint to an iwatch, because the healthbook app is not completely useful without the watch and or an upgraded iPhone. What do any of you think?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2013
And how do you know that? Do you have regular visitations from Steve OR do you use a 'medium'???

Well, there's no way in hell that he would've fired Forstall or support Cook in firing him as board chairman. Plus, they both favored the skeumorphism UI designs.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
Well, there's no way in hell that he would've fired Forstall or support Cook in firing him as board chairman. Plus, they both favored the skeumorphism UI designs.

But who knows what influence Jony Ive, the man Steve proclaimed to be his design "soul-mate," could have had on Steve's vision for iOS.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2013
But who knows what influence Jony Ive, the man Steve proclaimed to be his design "soul-mate," could have had on Steve's vision for iOS.

I believe they definitely had similar tastes in hardware, no doubt about it but I think there's a reason why Jony was never asked to design software and iOS 7 may be that said reason. Jobs knew that Jony and Scott both have enormous talent in their respective fields which is why keeping them separate created great products as they were both able to focus completely on their specific roles at Apple.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I believe they definitely had similar tastes in hardware, no doubt about it but I think there's a reason why Jony was never asked to design software and iOS 7 may be that said reason. Jobs knew that Jony and Scott both have enormous talent in their respective fields which is why keeping them separate created great products as they were both able to focus completely on their specific roles at Apple.

For all we know, Steve recommended, before his death, to have Jony have more control/take over software design from Scott.

Either way, Jony's in charge now. I happen to like the direction iOS has taken but everyone has their own opinions.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2012
Dubai, UAE
For all we know, Steve recommended, before his death, to have Jony have more control/take over software design from Scott.

Either way, Jony's in charge now. I happen to like the direction iOS has taken but everyone has their own opinions.

Agreed - everyone is entitled to their likes/dislikes. But to assume what Steve would and would not have done is childish at the best.....

People working closely with Steve, when he was alive, didn't know what he was always thinking, how the hell would anyone else know what he would and would not have done....


macrumors regular
Oct 22, 2013
Some more jailbreak implementation like aria, eclipse, intelliscreen, tinybar, and ccsetting. Then maybe I don't have to jailbreak at all.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
I'm curious as to how they'll show off healthbook without an iWatch, or if they'll announce the iWatch at WWDC.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Woohoo!!! Shut those complainers up Apple :D

They will just complain about iOS 8. Happens every year


Agree with everything there! Add Quick-Reply and I'd be very happy, they need to do this, it's the most talked about feature that isn't in iOS.

Most talked about on sites like this. Maybe 5% of users. The rest don't care. Apple focuses on that later group so you might have a bit of a wait.


I really hope that jony and his design team actually design the default app icons this time around instead of the marketing department.

Why are folks still getting butt hurt over the icons. They aren't that important compared to the app working as being in the app is where you use the device.

If people would stop thinking and acting like the icons are the almighty you'd get used to them and they would matter anymore


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I'm curious as to how they'll show off healthbook without an iWatch, or if they'll announce the iWatch at WWDC.
They can just show the parts of it that don't need the iWatch (if there will be such a thing).


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2012
They can just show the parts of it that don't need the iWatch (if there will be such a thing).

If there was such a thing, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't even have a display. Just a sensor-packed something, worn as a band or in the pocket. :D
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